Thymio Wireless

980,00 lei



Thymio, un robot pentru educatie

Thymio este un mic robot care dincolo de a fi o jucarie simpatica, este si un instrument pentru educatie. Ii ajuta pe cei mici sa invete despre roboti, noile tehnologii si sa programeze prin joaca.


Varianta Wireless a Thymio are nevoie doar de semnal pentru a fi programat. Nu mai este nevoie nici macar de cablu USB pentru a transfera codul.

Un robot gata de treaba

Thymio este deja montat in cutie, asa ca distractia poate incepe imediat. Are 6 moduri de actiune preprogramate si copiii pot vedea ce face robotul imediat cum il scot din cutie. Thymio pot sa urmeze o linie, sa evite obstacole sau sa iti urmeze mana.

Thymio poate fi programat in o multime de limbaje si medii de programare. Cu versiunea Wireless, robotul poate fi programat foarte usor si facut sa execute. Programezi si reprogramezi in zbor!

Varsta: 6+

Informații suplimentare

Dimensiune pachet

Dimensions: 11 cm x 11.2 cm x 5.3 cm (base box: 13.5 cm x 15cm x 7.5 cm)
Weight: 270 grams

Informatii tehnice

Li-Po Battery: 3.7 V, 1,500 mAh, rechargeable via a MicroUSB port
Autonomy: More than 2 hours (much more generally since it recharges as soon as it is connected to a computer during programming)
Max speed: 14 cm/s
The Aseba software suite can be installed on Linux, Mac OS and Windows


9 Infrared sensors (range approx. 10 cm)
5 Touch Buttons (capacitive technology)
1 Three-axis accelerometer
1 Thermometer
1 microphone
1 Infrared sensor (receiver for remote control)


39 LEDs
2 Wheels-related DC motors
1 speaker

Precautions for use

Do not wet Thymio or immerse in water
The recharging of Thymio must always be done under the supervision of an adult
Contains small parts that can be swallowed. Not suitable for children under the age of three.
Thymio contains a LiPo battery. Keep away from fire and any source of heat.

Pachetul include

1 Wireless Thymio Robot
1 USB dongle for remote programming
1 USB — MicroUSB cable for recharging and programming
1 small operating instructions and precautions for use


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